Branding with Katie from Seek to Serve Coaching

Welcome to Katie’s branding session & girl boss interview! I’m so glad you’re here because you’re about to get allllll heart eyes over this girl! I always look forward to Katie’s Instagram posts which include healthy doses of inspiration and the best Monday Mantra’s! Katie was also my first ever podcast guest on Click Bloom just yesterday, so check out the link at the end of this post to catch her episode on “Boundaries for Beginners”!

Denise Karis Branding Photography

Tell us a little about what you do
I own a platform designed to help those serving in the nonprofit sector manage compassion fatigue and burnout, and learn how to create realistic boundaries and life habits that will help them continue to serve at their highest levels for the long haul! I provide services in terms of seminars, group coaching, one on one coaching, and am in process of building webinars as well!

Denise Karis Branding Photography


What made you decide to go down the road to creative entrepreneurship?
I never saw myself as “creative” per se, but when I finally shifted my mindset and the way I viewed creativity, I realized that I could bring a fresh perspective that no one had seen before. While I may not be creative in the sense of painting beautiful photos or designing websites, I AM creative in the message that I deliver and the approach I take to changing lives and the world. Once I realized this, combined with my love for service and my desire to change the world, Seek to Serve Coaching was born!

Denise Karis Branding Photography

What advice can you share with other creatives who are struggling?
Try not to focus so much on what others are doing. Yes, it is nice to use some of our favorite accounts as inspiration, but don’t allow their genius to dampen yours. Spend intentional time really digging deep to find what it is YOU want to share. Many others may be doing something similar, but no one will ever be able to touch your unique message if you challenge yourself to show up with full authenticity!

Denise Karis Branding Photography

What’s a favorite inspiring quote of yours?
“There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you.” -Marianne Williamson

Denise Karis Branding Photography

Can you share a favorite marketing tip with us?
Marketing is probably the area that I struggle the most, but I am learning everyday. Honestly, my tip would be: If you are spending so much time on marketing that it steals you away from the things you are inherently strong at, it may be time to find an expert to help you! Focus on YOUR strengths, and let a professional guide you with theirs!

Denise Karis Branding Photography

What are your five favorite things right now?
Co-Working with my best friend, @dogcandleco, volunteering at the animal shelter, working my @$$ off in the gym, Dutch Bros Coffee, and my dog, Champ!

Denise Karis Branding Photography

What song do you listen to when you need to get motivated?
Champion by Bishop Briggs

Denise Karis Branding Photography

Who do you love to follow?
@denisekaris obviously, @girlswhogrindaz, and all of the amazing nonprofits throughout Arizona that are creating a better community for us all!

Denise Karis Branding Photography

Where can we follow you?
IG: @katierapkoch
FB: Seek to Serve Coaching is coming very soon!

To listen to Katie’s Click Bloom interview, click here!

To see more features like this one from other creatives, click here.

Interested in scheduling a branding shoot with Denise Karis Photography? Click here!

Denise Karis is an Arizona photographer who enjoys musicals, Doctor Who and breakfast burritos. IG @denisekaris